L-Carnitine Extreme 1500mg – 56 Capsules


L-Carnitine Extreme has 1500mg of pure Amino acid L-Carnitine and this promote Anti-Ageing, Weight management, Cardiovascular health and Nervous system support.

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L-Carnitine is an amino acid (a building block for proteins) that is naturally produced in the body.

L-Carnitine supplements are used to increase L-Carnitine levels in people whose natural level of L-carnitine is too low because they have a genetic disorder, are taking certain drugs (valproic acid for seizures), or because they are undergoing a medical procedure (hemodialysis for kidney disease) that uses up the body’s L-Carnitine. It is also used as a replacement supplement in strict vegetarians, dieters, and low-weight or premature infants.

L-Carnitine is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including heart-related chest pain, congestive heart failure (CHF), heart complications of a disease called diphtheria, heart attack, leg pain caused by circulation problems (intermittent claudication), and high cholesterol.

Some people use L-Carnitine for muscle disorders associated with certain AIDS medications, difficulty fathering a child (male infertility), a brain development disorder called Rett syndrome, anorexia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, overactive thyroid, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leg ulcers, Lyme disease, and to improve athletic performance and endurance.


People that have Type II diabetes can also benefit from carnitine supplementation. Taking L-carnitine helps diabetics by increasing glucose oxidation, glucose storage, as well as glucose uptake.


L-carnitine serves as an antioxidant that can help prevent damage done to your healthy cells by free radicals. This can help you out when you have a cold or are dealing with various seasonal allergies and training.


Seniors that can use something to help improve brain function has more than just gingko biloba to take. L-carnitine helps protect the brain from both age related and stress related damage to the brain which helps it function longer and better.


For those men that have been trying to have children and have low sperm counts, carnitine has been suggested and shown to help improve both sperm count and quality sperm.


Your kidneys produce carnitine so naturally when people have been diagnosed or may have kidney disease, carnitine is recommended to help make up for the deficiency of carnitine that your kidneys aren’t producing.


If you are looking to get lean, then this is the amino acid you need. L-carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids, such as triglycerides into mitochondria, where they may be oxidized to produce energy. Carnitine has also been shown to reduce fatigue and serve as an appetite suppressant as well. Therefore, l-carnitine would be a major asset to have in your arsenal when you are dieting. It not only will help keep your body from storing fat, but it will increase your aerobic capacity to help you burn more calories.